So here is the plan - cook 3 portions of 10 recipes in one day, freeze it in ziplocs (which are not made with cancerogenous-leaching-plastic yay!), and voila! Food for a month and eat the same thing only three times a month! That I can do.
We ended up doing 4 times the following recipes:
*crustless quiche
*potato/chickpea curry
*pea soup
*ham-potato casserole
*spaghetti sauce
* and hummus with the extra chickpeas
I did the groceries and the spaghetti sauce on Friday night. We cooked everything in the morning starting at 8am and by noon we were all done. And it all fits in our fridge-freezer!
Plus: Less cleaning, great time investment, costs less
Key: Planning recipes ( is a great tool), making stations in the kitchen (chopping, spices, cans, assembly)
Minus: You need all the cooking gear for it to be time efficient (food processor, crockpot, good knife, big pots)
I wish I could say I thought of this by myself, but I looked it up in a few books. Here is the best one:
And some others:
Month of Meals(All of which are available at the Ottawa Public Library.)
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