vendredi 9 janvier 2009

Paper, Plastic or Corn?

From paper or plastic dilemma we have gone to the bag or no-bag. Being conscious of the quantity of plastic accumulating we easily switch to cloth bags (one of which even became my purse for the time being). Saying no to bags was rewarding, but our soon depleted stock left us with a new dilemma when it came to the kitchen garbage and Mika the dog's waste.
We were not ready to go bag free.
It was time to investigate corn by product bags. These so-called compostable bags.
I got the kitchen-catcher size from Canadian Tire, and the poo-sizes from the dollarama on Montreal Rd.

The poo-bags are great! Perfect size. And though we know they will end up in the landfill, at least the whole has a greater chance of decomposing than if it was in a plastic coffin.

The kitchen catcher is designed as a compost bin liner, and will fully compost. The problem with our kitchen is that at the moment our compost is out of commission because of winter (We are going to start a new initiative with the condo once spring arrives since Ottawa is taking its sweet time to start the city-wide composting program). All this to say we currently have kitchen organic scraps going into our kitchen garbage, and with all the humidity the first time we used them I was concerned with the structural integrity of the bags. After a week it had bsorded some of the humidity.
For the time being we will keep the bags until spring, and use them for the dry garbage and say yes to a few more bags for another 3 months.

1 commentaire:

  1. Like everyone reading this blog, I am starting to evaluate my eco-footprint very closely. I'm trying to make significant changes in every aspect of my life- even with my feminine hygiene choices. When I did some research, I learned of the billions of tampons and pads thrown into landfills each year.... and I contributed to some of that! Horrifying! I am now using a Diva Cup, too! It did take a little time to get used to, but now I can honestly say I am NEVER going back to my old products (or old ways!). It's a seemingly small contribution to the planet, but if every woman eventually stopped using "traditional" products, think of the enormous change we could make TOGETHER! I hope the Diva Cup becomes the choice for all women!
